Datalogger Support Software / LoggerNet Upgrade
LoggerNet Upgrade Upgrade to Current Version


LoggerNet/U is an upgrade to the latest version of our LoggerNet software. You must have an earlier version of LoggerNet (1.0 or above) to qualify for the upgrade. LoggerNet is our main data logger support software package. It supports programming, communication, and data retrieval between data loggers and a PC. Learn more on the LoggerNet product page.

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Benefits and Features

  • Upgrade from older version to current version for a discounted price


Detailed Description

LoggerNet/U allows users who have an earlier version of LoggerNet (1.0 or above) to upgrade to the latest version of LoggerNet.

New for Version 4
  • New look and feel, with more user-configurable options to fit your working style
  • View Pro—new, robust display tool that gives you more ways to look at your data
  • Network Planner—new tool that allows development, modeling, and verification of PakBus networks
  • RTMC upgraded—featuring functions added for building expressions, a new layout toolbar, and more maneuverability around the displays. (Note that versions 1.X through 2.X of our RTMC Pro development tool are not compatible with the RTMC run-time and the standard RTMC development tool in LoggerNet 4. An upgrade for RTMC Pro must be purchased separately.)


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
21X (retired) The 21X requires three PROMs; two PROM 21X Microloggers are not compatible.
CR10 (retired)
CR1000 (retired)
CR1000X (retired)
CR10X (retired) Compatible with the mixed array, PakBus, and TD data logger operating systems.
CR200X (retired)
CR206X (retired)
CR211X (retired)
CR216X (retired)
CR23X (retired) Compatible with the mixed array, PakBus, and TD data logger operating systems.
CR295X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR500 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR510 (retired) Compatible with the mixed array, PakBus, and TD data logger operating systems.
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000 (retired)
CR9000X (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information

The user must have an earlier version of LoggerNet (1.0 or above) to upgrade to the latest version of LoggerNet.


LoggerNet runs on a PC, using serial ports, telephony drivers, and Ethernet hardware to communicate with data loggers via phone modems, RF devices, and other peripherals.


The development tool of RTMC Pro 1.x and 2.x is not compatible with the RTMC run-time and the standard RTMC development tool in LoggerNet 4. An upgrade for RTMC Pro must be purchased separately.


LoggerNet is a collection of 32-bit programs designed to run on Intel-based computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems. LoggerNet runs on Windows 10 and Windows 11. LoggerNet runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of these operating systems.


Operating System Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32- and 64-bit operating systems are supported.)
  • You must have an earlier version of LoggerNet (1.0 or above) to qualify for the upgrade.
  • .NET 4.6.2
Purchased Separately Yes
Software Level Intermediate to advanced
Communications Supported Direct connect, Ethernet, short-haul, phone modems (land-line, cellular, voice synthesized), RF transceivers (UHF, VHF, and spread spectrum), multidrop modems

Combinations of communication devices supported.
Scheduled Data Collection Supported Yes
Data Display Supported Numeric, graphical, Boolean data objects


LoggerNet Trial v.4.9 (423 MB) 02-10-2024

This is a fully functional 30 day trial of the standard version of LoggerNet. This is a trial only and can not be activated as a full version with a license key. (Network setup and data is preserved from the trial when installing the full version.)

Current LoggerNet users: It is recommended that you install the trial on a computer other than the one running your existing LoggerNet. If that is not practical, we strongly recommend you back up the LoggerNet working directory to prevent backward compatibility issues if you revert to a previous version. To revert you must re-install LoggerNet using the original disk and software key.

Note: This application requires the Microsoft .Net 4.6.2 Framework.  If it is not already installed on your computer,  it can be obtained from the Microsoft Download Center.

Supported Operating Systems: (32 and 64 bit) Windows 11 or 10.

Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related to LoggerNet Upgrade: 1

    • One of the main efforts in the development of LoggerNet 4.1 has been the ability to use LNDB databases with View Pro. The ability to lock the timestamp column on the left of the data file has also been added to View Pro. This keeps the timestamp visible while scrolling through columns of data. 
    • The Device Configuration Utility has a new off-line mode which allows viewing settings for a certain device type without actually being connected to a device.
    • The CRBasic Editor now has the capability to open a read-only copy of any file. This provides the ability to open multiple copies of a program and examine multiple areas of a very large program at the same time. In addition, an instruction can be continued onto multiple lines by placing the line continuation indicator (a single space followed by an underscore “_”) at the end of each line that is to be continued. Also, bookmarks in a CRBasic program are now persistent from session to session.
    • In the Troubleshooter and the Setup Screen (Standard View), it is now possible to click on a potential problem to bring up a menu that enables the user to go to the Setup Screen or Status Monitor to fix the potential problem, bring up Help describing the problem, or in some cases, fix the problem directly.
    • Campbell Scientific’s new wireless sensors have been added to the Network Planner.
    • Statistics (average, minimum, maximum, and number of data points) can now be viewed for each data value being displayed in a Connect Screen graph. All of the Connect Screen’s displays (table monitor, numeric displays, and graphs) now show the units that have been assigned to the data values.
    • Split has a new “Time Sync to First Record” option that can be used with the time-sync function to avoid blank lines at the start of the output file. Also, a range of time values rather than a single time can now be entered in a Split Copy Condition.
    • CardConvert can now be run from a command line without user interaction.
    • An option to provide feedback on LoggerNet has been added to the LoggerNet Toolbar’s Help menu.
    • Miscellaneous other changes and bug fixes have also been implemented in this version.

    Note:  Beginning with this version of LoggerNet, Windows 2000 is no longer supported.

Listed Under

Other Accessory for the following products: