Data Management Software / LoggerNet Admin
LoggerNet Admin Admin Datalogger Support Software (Server and Clients)
Data Logger Software for Large Networks
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LoggerNet Admin builds on the foundations of LoggerNet, providing additional clients, capabilities, and tools that are useful when managing a large data logger network.

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Benefits and Features

  • Includes all LoggerNet functions
  • Provides a client for enabling security
  • LoggerNet Admin can be managed from a remote PC using LoggerNet Remote, or it can be used to manage another LoggerNet server
  • Provides the ability to run LoggerNet Admin as a service
  • Exports data to third-party applications
  • Launches multiple instances of the same client
  • Provides the ability to set up subnets of the network map


Detailed Description

LoggerNet Admin, a more advanced software package than the standard LoggerNet, has tools that are useful for those with large datalogger networks. It provides all the functionality of LoggerNet including the ability to program the datalogger, collect data, monitor and troubleshoot the network, manage the dataloggers in your network, create graphical data displays that update when data is collected, create automated tasks, and view or post-process the data (see LoggerNet).

LoggerNet Admin also provides the ability to enable security, manage the server from a remote PC, run LoggerNet as a Windows® service, export data to third party applications, and launch multiple instances of the same client (for instance, opening two Connect windows to communicate simultaneously with two different dataloggers in the same or a different network).


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
21X (retired) The 21X requires three PROMs; two PROM 21X Microloggers are not compatible.
CR10 (retired)
CR1000 (retired)
CR1000X (retired)
CR10X (retired) For our CR10X datalogger, LoggerNet Admin is compatible with the mixed array, PakBus, and TD operating systems.
CR200X (retired)
CR206X (retired)
CR211X (retired)
CR216X (retired)
CR23X (retired) For our CR23X data logger, LoggerNet Admin is compatible with the mixed array, PakBus, and TD operating systems.
CR295X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR500 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR510 (retired) For our CR510 datalogger, LoggerNet Admin is compatible with the mixed array, PakBus, and TD operating systems.
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000 (retired)
CR9000X (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information


LoggerNet Admin runs on a PC, using serial ports, telephony drivers, and Ethernet hardware to communicate with data loggers via phone modems, RF devices, and other peripherals.


The development tool of RTMC Pro 1.x and 2.x is not compatible with the RTMC run-time and the standard RTMC development tool in LoggerNet Admin 4. An upgrade for RTMC Pro must be purchased separately.


LoggerNet Admin is a collection of 32-bit programs designed to run on Intel-based computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems. LoggerNet Admin runs on Windows 10 and Windows 11. LoggerNet Admin runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of these operating systems.


Operating System Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32- and 64-bit operating systems are supported.)
Server Windows Server versions 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, and 2022
Requirement .NET 4.6.2


LoggerNet Patch v.4.9 (419 MB) 02-10-2024

This patch will upgrade LoggerNet, LoggerNet Remote or LoggerNet Admin version 4.0 and newer to 4.9. A version of LoggerNet 4.x must be installed on the computer. 

Note: This patch includes RTMC Run-time and the RTMC Standard Development v5.0.1. If you are using RTMC Pro 4.3.3 or older or CSI Web Server 1.6 or older and plan to continue creating RTMC projects, we recommend that you opt out on updating RTMC during the install or upgrade to RTMC Pro v5.0.1.

LoggerNet Admin and Remote:

A change was made in the way the LoggerNet 4.6 Server performs "Custom Data Collection". A corresponding change was made in the Connect Screen 4.6 client "Custom Data Collection" functionality.

If you require "Custom Data Collection" functionality with the Connect Screen client, assure that the LoggerNet Servers and Connect Screen clients are 4.6 or higher.

This application requires the Microsoft .Net 4.6.2 Framework.  If it is not already installed on your computer,  it can be obtained from the Microsoft Download Center.

Supported Operating Systems: (32 and 64 bit) Windows 11 or 10.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related to LoggerNet Admin: 1

  1. There are several approaches you can try:

    1. The LNDB Interface can pull data from LoggerNet and insert it into a database instance. Supported database platforms are as follows: Microsoft SQL; MySQL; unofficially, MariaDB as it is open source MySQL, PostGRESQL, and Oracle. The database table structure and metadata will match the structure of the station’s program and the station name used in LoggerNet exactly. You cannot customize the structure. Refer to the setup documentation.

    2. Read or parse data from LoggerNet .dat files. The files are CSV formatted and can be parsed in using most any programming language. Files by default are stored on the LoggerNet computer in the following path: C:\Campbellsci\LoggerNet.

    3. LDMP Server, a LoggerNet Admin component, offers a listening socket for data to be pulled directly from the LoggerNet cache over the LoggerNet Service listening port 6789. Complete documentation in LoggerNet Admin is stored in the following path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\ldmp_server2.pdf.

    4. Read in data using the CSI web server’s built in Web API. The webAPI accepts queries in the same format as the data logger’s built-in webAPI. Refer to the data logger webAPI documentation

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