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VISUALWEATHER - Retired Weather Station Software


Current Version: 3.1.3

VisualWeather is support software for our weather stations. Version 3.0 or higher supports custom weather stations or the ET107, ET106, and MetData1 preconfigured weather stations. The software allows you to initialize the setup, interrogate the station, display data, and generate reports from one or more weather stations.

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Benefits and Features

  • Requires no programming knowledge
  • Takes just minutes to configure weather station
  • Supports multiple weather stations
  • Allows data to be collected manually or on a schedule
  • Stand-alone software that does not require LoggerNet


A wind rose report provides the distribution of wind directions at various wind speeds.

Detailed Description

VisualWeather software is for customers who want reliable, real-time weather data and printed reports without worrying about technical details, such as programming or maintaining databases. It allows our pre-configured or custom Campbell Scientific stations to be set up in a few minutes. Multiple weather stations are supported.

VisualWeather's functionality includes program generation, communications, and report generation for preconfigured and custom weather stations. It uses a wizard to walk you through setting up the sensors for your weather station, configuring the communications link and data logger settings, and defining reports. Based on this setup information, VisualWeather generates the data logger program for the weather station (for preconfigured stations). You can also use Short Cut (included) for programming custom weather stations.


Communication protocols supported include direct connect, short haul modem, phone modem (including TAPI), RF, phone-to-RF, and TCP/IP. While connected to a weather station with VisualWeather, you can view measurements related to overall data logger health (battery voltage, internal temperature, error counters), current conditions for the weather station, and current measurement values for each of the sensors being measured, as well as data tables stored to memory (for table-based data loggers). Data can be collected for VisualWeather's report database either manually or on a schedule.

Report Generation

Report generation offers a variety of preconfigured reports for preset or custom intervals based on what sensors are being measured. It also offers a number of calculated values, such as evapotranspiration, Growing Degree Days, etc. The reports are displayed on the screen, and the user can print them or save them as an image file. Data can also be exported to an ASCII file for further analysis (for those familiar with Campbell Scientific's data formats, it is TOACI1, which is a comma-delimited data file with heading information). Batch processing of reports is available to automate report generation.

System Requirements

  • Requires a serial port on the PC or a USB-to-serial port adapter
  • TCP/IP and Telephony services must be installed and enabled on the PC (refer to manual for more information)

License for Use

This software is protected by United States copyright law and international copyright treaty provisions. Installation of this software constitutes an agreement to abide by the provisions of its licensing agreement. The agreement grants the user a non-exclusive license to use the software in accordance with the following:

  1. The purchase of this software allows you to install and use a single instance of the software on one physical computer or one virtual machine only.

  2. This software cannot be loaded on a network server for the purposes of distribution or for access to the software by multiple operators. If the software can be used from any computer other than the computer on which it is installed, you must license a copy of the software for each additional computer from which the software may be accessed.

  3. If this copy of the software is an upgrade from a previous version, you must possess a valid license for the earlier version of software. You may continue to use the earlier copy of software only if the upgrade copy and earlier version are installed and used on the same computer. The earlier version of software may not be installed and used on a separate computer or transferred to another party.

  4. This software package is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer.

  5. You may make one (1) backup copy of this software onto media similar to the original distribution, to protect your investment in the software in case of damage or loss. This backup copy can be used only to replace an unusable copy of the original installation media.

This software may not be sold, included, or redistributed in any other software or altered in any way without prior written permission from Campbell Scientific. All copyright notices and labeling must be left intact.


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
21X (retired)
CR10 (retired)
CR1000 (retired)
CR1000X (retired)
CR10X (retired)
CR200X (retired)
CR206X (retired)
CR211X (retired)
CR216X (retired)
CR23X (retired)
CR295X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR500 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR510 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000 (retired)
CR9000X (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information

Weather Stations Supported

Visual Weather supports ET107, Toro T107, ET106, MetData1, or custom Campbell Scientific stations. Support for custom weather stations was added in version 2 (released September 2005), and support for the ET107 and Toro T107 was added in version 3.0 (released April 2009).


Current Version 3.1.3


VisualWeather Patch v.2.3 (26.3 MB) 19-12-2008

Upgrade Visual Weather version 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2 to 2.3.

This patch requires that version 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2 exists on the computer.

VisualWeather Patch v.3.1.3 (45.7 MB) 03-08-2012

Upgrade Visual Weather version 3.x to 3.1.3.

This patch requires that version 3.x exists on the computer.

VisualWeather Trial v.3.1.3 (56.1 MB) 03-08-2012

A fully functional 30 day trial version of VisualWeather. 

VisualWeather is for those who want reliable, real-time weather data and printed reports without worrying about technical details.

Listed Under

Other Accessory for the following products: