Mobile Apps / PCONNECT Upgrade
This product is not available for new orders. We recommend ordering: LoggerLink.
PCONNECT Upgrade Upgrade to Current Version
Services Available
Repair No
Calibration No
Free Support No


The PConnect/U upgrade is for customers who have previously purchased PConnect software. The PDA-to-RS232 cable is included in the upgrade. Inclusion of the connector allows a customer who purchases an upgrade from 2.X to 3.X to have all of the items that are included in a full PConnect (non-upgrade) 3.X package.

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Benefits and Features

  • Upgrade from older version to current version for a discounted price


Detailed Description

The PDA-to-CS I/O connector is NOT included; however, the PDA-to-RS232 cable is included in the upgrade. Inclusion of the connector allows a customer who purchases an upgrade from 2.X to 3.X to have all of the items that are included in a full PConnect (non-upgrade) 3.X package.

Learn more about its capabilities on the PConnect product page.


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
21X (retired)
CR10 (retired)
CR1000 (retired) The CR1000 requires PConnect version 3.1 or higher.
CR10X (retired) For the CR510, CR10X, and CR23X, support for both the mixed-array and PakBus® data logger operating systems is provided in PConnect version 3.0 or higher; prior versions only supported the mixed-array OS.
CR200X (retired) The CR200X-series dataloggers require PConnect version 3.0 or higher.
CR206X (retired) The CR200X-series dataloggers require PConnect version 3.0 or higher.
CR211X (retired) The CR200X-series dataloggers require PConnect version 3.0 or higher.
CR216X (retired) The CR200X-series dataloggers require PConnect version 3.0 or higher.
CR23X (retired) For the CR510, CR10X, and CR23X, support for both the mixed-array and PakBus® data logger operating systems is provided in PConnect version 3.0 or higher; prior versions only supported the mixed-array OS.
CR295X (retired) The CR200X-series dataloggers require PConnect version 3.0 or higher.
CR3000 (retired) The CR3000 requires PConnect version 3.2 or higher.
CR500 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR510 (retired) For the CR510, CR10X, and CR23X, support for both the mixed-array and PakBus® data logger operating systems is provided in PConnect version 3.0 or higher; prior versions only supported the mixed-array OS.
CR800 (retired) The CR800 and CR850 require PConnect version 3.3 or higher.
CR850 (retired) The CR800 and CR850 require PConnect version 3.3 or higher.
CR9000 (retired)
CR9000X (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information

Data Logger Considerations

Data Logger Interfacing
  • PDA-to-CS I/O connector or PDA-to-RS232 cable.


  • SC-IRDA Infrared Interface connects to the CS I/O port (not compatible w/CR200(X)-series)

PDA Requirements

  • Operating system: Palm OS Version 3.3 or later (Pocket PC OS-based PDAs require PConnectCE)
  • Must be capable of serial communication
  • Memory: 2 MByte if collecting data from one standard data logger; 8 MByte recommended when collecting from many stations or from data loggers with extended memories
  • If using the SC-IRDA, the PDA must have an IRDA port and an IR chip set compatible with the SC-IRDA.
  • For Bluetooth communication, the handheld must be Bluetooth enabled.

Communication Requirements

PDA Connection for Serial Communication

PDA-to-serial cable or cradle (one end of the cable/cradle must terminate in a 9-pin serial connector) is required. The cable/cradle connects to the PDA-to-CS I/O connector or PDA-to-RS232 cable via the 9-pin serial connector. This cable/cradle may be included with the PDA, or it may need to be purchased as a separate accessory from the PDA manufacturer or a third party supplier.

Bluetooth Communication

Third-party Bluetooth serial adapter is required. The interface and/or cables that are used to connect the adapter to the data logger will vary, depending upon whether the device acts like a DTE (computer) device or DCE (PDA) device. In some instances, this is evident by the pin-out of the adapter, but not always. A general rule is if the adapter has a 9-pin female connector, then the adapter is connected to the data logger using the PDA-to-CS I/O connector for the CS I/O port or the PDA-to-RS232 cable for the RS-232 port. If the adapter has a 9-pin male connector, then the adapter is connected to the data logger using an SC32B for the CS I/O port or it can be connected directly to the RS-232 port.


  • Palm Desktop Software installed on the PC
  • One copy of PConnect software per PDA

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