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SM16M Storage Module with 16 MB Data Storage
Services Available
Repair No
Calibration No
Free Support No


The SM16M storage module was only compatible with our mixed-array data loggers and the DSP4 Heads Up Display. (See the Compatibility information.)  It used non-volatile Flash EEPROM memory to store eight million low-resolution data points (another storage module, the SM4M, stored two million).



  • Weight: 6 oz (181 g)
  • Dimensions: 2.7" x 5.3" x 0.7" (6.9 x 13.5 x 1.8 cm)
  • Standard Operating Range: -25° to +50°C
  • Extended Operating Range: -55° to +85°C


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
21X (retired)
CR10 (retired)
CR1000 (retired)
CR10X (retired)
CR200 (retired)
CR205 (retired)
CR206 (retired)
CR210 (retired)
CR211 (retired)
CR215 (retired)
CR216 (retired)
CR23X (retired)
CR295 (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR500 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR510 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000 (retired)
CR9000X (retired)

Communication Devices

Product Compatible Note
DSP4 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information

Data Logger Considerations

The SM16M is compatible with mixed-array data loggers. It is not compatible with data loggers that store data in a table-based format (e.g., CR10X-TD, CR10X-PB). 


SMS v.4.10 (6.73 MB) 06-08-2007

SMS (Storage Module Software) is a utility used to configure and retrieve data from Campbell Scientific storage modules.  It is a standalone application which is no longer included in LoggerNet starting with LoggerNet 4.0