This product is not available for new orders. We recommend ordering: SunSentry.


The CSP100 is a turn-key automated data-acquisition system specifically designed to meet CAISO meteorological station requirements of concentrated-solar-power generating facilities. It is recommended for assessing power-plant performance, which requires the best possible solar resource measurements.

The CSP100 is field-ready, with features to minimize installation time and field wiring errors. Though offered as a turn-key package, nearly every aspect of the system is customizable, including sensors, communications, mounting, and power supply.


Most of the systems we sell are customized. These systems, however, typically measure the following parameters:

  • Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI)
  • Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance (DHI)
  • Global Horizontal Irradiance (GH)
  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Air temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Barometric pressure
  • Precipitation

Benefits and Features

  • Contains a Campbell Scientific CR1000 Measurement and Control Datalogger
  • Provides the lowest uncertainty of the GH, DNI, and DIFF solar radiation measurements
  • Fast to field with industry-proven, high-accuracy sensors
  • Factory fabrication, programming, and testing minimizes field wiring errors and reduces deployment time
  • Meets CAISO required meteorological data points
  • Approved California ISO Remote Intelligent Gateway (RIG) for secure encrypted information transmission to CAISO
  • Complies with Modbus, DNP3, CANbus, and PakBus protocols
  • Supports nearly all communication technologies such as RS-485, fiber, TCP/IP, cellular, or satellite
  • Reference design: “Solar Resource and Meteorological Project (SOLRMAP)”, NREL
  • Provides a modular, programmable, and customizable system
  • Provides a battery back system that allows data collection during power outages and network failure
  • Acts as single point data gateway for environmental, inverter, and meter data
  • Supports TCP/IP functionality, including: HTTP Get, HTTP Post, FTP server and client, TelNet server, PING, Micro serial server, DHCP client, DNS client, email send and receive
  • Supports Web Service API
  • Supports individual module and string level power measurements
  • Shipped with a quick-deploy installation guide and system schematics
