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Product Brochures
Product literature in PDF format for our current products
- # -
014A Wind Speed Sensor
020C Wind-Direction Sensor
024A Met One Wind Direction Sensor
03001 Wind Sentry Anemometer/Vane
03002 Wind Sentry Set and 03101 Wind Sentry Anemometer
034A Wind Speed and Direction Sensors
034B Wind Set
05103, 05106, 05108, 05108-45, and 05305 Wind Monitors
083E Temperature and Relative-Humidity Probe
0871LH1 Freezing Rain Sensor
092 Barometer
105E Type E Thermocouple Burial Probe
105T Type T Thermocouple Burial Probe
107 and 108 Temperature Probes
109SS Temperature Probe for Harsh Environments
109 Temperature Probe
110PV Surface Mount Thermistor
21X Instruction Set Options
229 Water Matric Potential Sensor & CE4/CE8 Current Excitation Modules
237 Leaf Wetness Sensor
247W and 247 Conductivity and Temperature Probes
255-100 Novalynx Analog Output Evaporation Gauge
27106T Vertical Propeller Anemometer
385 Electrically Heated Rain and Snow Gage
43347 RTD Temperature Probe & 43502 Aspirated Radiation Shield
4731 Specifications (from Mean Well)
- A -
A100LK Class 1 Anemometer
A5B40 Millivolt-Level Isolation Amplifier with Filter
Ag Research
Agriculture and Soil Monitoring
Air Quality
AM16/32 16-Channel Solid State Multiplexer
AM16/32A Multiplexer
AM16/32B Relay Multiplexer
AM25T 25-Channel Solid State Multiplexer
AM416 Relay Multiplexer
AP200 CO2/H2O Atmospheric Profile System
Archer-OBS Handheld Field PC for the OBS-3A System
Archer-PCon Rugged Field Data Collection Package
Aspen 10 Edge Device for a Single Sensor
Aspen 10 Solutions
Aspen 10 Specifications
ASPTC Aspirated Thermocouple
Avalanche, Skit, Alpine, and Polar
AVW100 Vibrating Wire Interface
AVW1 and AVW4 Vibrating Wire Interfaces
AVW200-series Vibrating Wire Modules
- B -
BDR301—A Basic Data Recorder For Hydrology
BMP5 Direct Software Development Kit
BP12, BP24, PS24: 12 Ah and 24 Ah Power Supplies
BVS4300-Series Outdoor Stationary Samplers
- C -
Campbell Wireless Sensor Network
Canal Control
CC5MPX and CC5MPXWD High Resolution Digital Network Cameras
CC640 Digital Camera for Harsh Environments
CCFC Outdoor Observation and Surveillance Field Camera
CD100 Mountable Display
CD295 DataView II Display
CFM100 CompactFlash Module
CH200 Smart Charging Regulator and PS200 Smart Charging Power Supply
CHP1 Instruction Sheet (from Kipp & Zonen)
ClariVue 20 ISO 7027-Compliant, Side-Scatter Turbidity Sensor
Clients for LoggerNet (PC-OPC Server, LNDB, and LoggerNetData)
ClimaVue™40 Compact, Digital, RS-485 Modbus Weather Sensor
ClimaVue™50 G2 Compact, Digital, SDI-12 Weather Sensor
CM106 Instrumentation Tripod and CM106K Tripod Kit
CM110, CM115, and CM120 Light-Weight Instrumentation Tripods
CM300-series Mounting Poles and Pedestal Kits
CM375 Portable 10-Meter Mast for Light-Weight Applications
CM3 Solar Radiation Sensor
CM6 and CM10 Galvanized Steel Instrumentation Tripods
CMP3 Solar Radiation Sensor
CMP6, CMP11, and CMP21 Kipp & Zonen Solar Radiation Sensors
CNR1 Net Radiometer
CNR2 Net Radiometer
CNR4-L Net Radiometer
COM100 Analog Cellular Telephone Package
COM200 Telephone Modem
COM210 Phone Modem
COM220 56 kbps Phone Modem
COM300 Telephone Modem with Voice Synthesizer
COM310 Telephone Modem with Voice Synthesizer
COM320 Voice Phone Modem
COM320 Word List
Corporate Profile
CR1000 Measurement and Control System
CR1000 Specifications
CR1000Xe Measurement and Control Datalogger
CR10 Instruction Set Options
CR10X Measurement and Control System
CR10X Specifications
CR200-series Measurement Devices / Wireless Sensors
CR200-series Specifications
CR200X-Series Dataloggers / Wireless Sensors
CR200X-Series Specifications
CR23X Micrologger
CR23X Specifications
CR3000 Micrologger
CR3000 Specifications
CR350 Measurement and Control Datalogger
CR350 Series Specifications Sheet
CR5000 Measurement and Control System
CR5000 Specifications
CR510 Basic Datalogger
CR510 Specifications
CR6 Datalogger
CR6 Datalogger Specifications
CR7 Measurement and Control System
CR7 Specifications
CR800-series Measurement and Control System
CR800-series Specifications
CR9000 and CR9000C Measurement and Control System
CR9000(C) Specifications
CR9000X and CR9000XC Measurement and Control System
CR9000X(C) Specifications
CR9052IEPE & CR9052DC Anti-Alias Filter & FFT Spectrum Analyzer Modules
CS100 Barometric Pressure Sensor
CS105 Barometric Pressure Sensor
CS106 Barometric Pressure Sensor
CS10 and CS15 Electric Current Sensors
CS110 Electric Field Meter
CS115 Barometric Pressure Sensor
CS120 Atmospheric Visibility Sensor
CS125 Aviation System
CS205/107, CS506, CS516 10-Hour Fuel Temperature/ Moisture Sensors
CS215 Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe
CS220 Type E Surface Mount Fast-Response Thermocouple
CS300 Silicon Pyranometer
CS400 and CS405 Submersible Pressure Transducers
CS401 and CS406 Submersible Pressure Transducers
CS408 Submersible Pressure Transducer
CS410 Shaft Encoder
CS420 & CS425 Liquid Level Sensors
CS431 Submersible Pressure Transducer
CS440 and CS445 Liquid Level Sensors
CS450 and CS455 Submersible Pressure Transducers
CS470 and CS471 OTT CBS Compact Bubbler Sensors
CS475A Radar Water Level Sensor
CS475, CS476, and CS477 Radar Water Level Sensors
CS500 Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe
CS505, CS205/107, CS515 10-Hour Fuel Moisture/Temperature Sensors
CS510 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
CS511 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
CS512 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
CS525 ISFET pH Probe
CS526 Isolated ISFET pH Probe Brochure
CS547A Conductivity & Temperature Probe
CS547 Conductivity and Temperature Probe
CS615 Water Content Reflectometer
CS616 Water Content Reflectometer
CS625 Water Content Reflectometer for CR200(X)-Series Dataloggers
CS650 and CS655 Soil Water Content Reflectometer
CS705 Snowfall Conversion Adapter
CS725 Snow Water Equivalent Sensor
CS800 Wind Speed and Direction Sensor
CSAT3 3-D Sonic Anemometer
CSBUOY-DT & CSBUOY-NS Water Quality Monitor/Transmitter Buoys
CSIM11 pH and CSIM11-ORP ORP Sensors
CSM1 and MCR1 Card Storage Module and Reader
CSP100 Concentrated Solar Power Monitoring System
CVS4200-Series Indoor Stationary Samplers
- D -
Dam Monitoring
Data Storage and Retrieval Peripherals
DB1 Double Bubbler Liquid Level Sensor Brochure
DCDC18R Boost Regulator
DCP100 HDR GOES Data Collection Platform
DCP200 GOES Data Collection Platform
DMM600 Duff Moisture Meter
DOT600 Roadbed Water Content Meter
DSP4 Heads Up Display
- E -
EC150 CO2 and H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer with Optional 3D Sonic Anemometer
EC155 CO2 and H2O Closed-Path Gas Analyzer
Ecology and Natural Resources
ENC7XL Large Enclosure for the 720XL
ET106 Evapotranspiration Monitoring Station
ET107 Evapotranspiration Station
ETo and Weather
- F -
FGR-115RC 900 MHz, 1 W Spread Spectrum Radio
Fire Weather
Flood Warning
FW05, FW1, and FW3 Type E, Fine Wire Thermocouples
- G -
GPS16-HVS Geographic Position Receiver
GPS16X-HVS Geographic Position Receiver
- H -
HC2S3 Temperature and RH Sensor
HFP01 Heat Flux Sensor
Historical Preservation
HMP155A Vaisala Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe
HMP45C Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe
HMP50 Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe
HMP60 Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe
HS2 HydroSense II Soil Moisture Measurement System
HVAC Monitoring
HydroSense® Soil Water Measurement System (CS620, CD620)
- I -
ID-2000 for Windows
Instrument Mounts (Crossarms, Solar Radiation Mounts, Radiation Shields)
IRGASON Integrated CO2 and H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and 3D Sonic Anemometer
IRS21 Intelligent Road Surface Sensor
IRTS-P Precision Infrared Thermocouple Sensor
- K -
Kipp and Zonen CMP-Series Pyranometers
Kipp and Zonen CVF3 Ventilation Unit
Kipp and Zonen Instruction Sheet for CMP-Series Pyranometers
Kipp & Zonen Instruction Sheet
- L -
LI190SB Quantum Sensor & LI200X Silicon Pyranometer
LLAC4 Four-Channel, Low-Level AC Conversion Module
LoggerLink Mobile App for iOS and Android
LoggerNet 3.x Datalogger Support Software
LoggerNet 4.x Datalogger Support Software
LoggerNet-SDK & LoggerNet Server-SDK Software Development Kits
LP02 Solar Radiation Sensor
LR4 Four Channel Latching Relay Module
LW110 Lightning Warning System
LWS Leaf Wetness Sensor
- M -
MD485 RS-485 Multidrop Interface
MD9 Multidrop Interface
MS-80SH-L Class A Spectrally Flat and Fast-Response Pyranometer with Integrated Dome Heater
- N -
Narrowband RF Networks
NL100 Network Link Interface
NL115 Ethernet Interface & CompactFlash® Module
NL120 Ethernet Module
NL200 Network Link Interface
NL240 Wi-Fi Communications Peripheral
NR01 Net Radiometer
NR-LITE2 Net Radiometer
NR-LITE Net Radiometer
- O -
OBS-3+ and OBS300 Turbidity Sensors
OBS-3A Turbidity & Temperature Monitoring System
OBS-3 Turbidity Monitor
OBS500 Turbidity Probe with Antifouling
OBS-5+ High Sediment Concentration Monitor with Pressure Sensor
- P -
P2546A Class 1 Anemometer
PC200W Starter Software
PC208 Datalogger Support Software (Enhanced Version)
PC208W Datalogger Support Software for Windows
PC400 Datalogger Support Software
PC9000-SDK Software Development Kit
PC9000 version 5.0 Application Software
PConnectCE Software for Pocket PC or Windows Mobile Handhelds
PConnect Datalogger Support Software for Palm OS-based PDAs
Plant Physiology
PondView Software for Aquaculture
Power Supply Overview
Product Comparison of CR1000X and CR1000Xe
PS84 and BP84 84 Ah Rechargeable Power Supplies
PST3/PST8 Pump and Slug Test
PVS4100-Series Portable, Battery-Operated Samplers
PVS4120-Series Portable, Battery-Operated Samplers
PVS4150C Portable, Battery-Powered Sampler
PWS100 Present Weather Sensor
- Q -
Q7.1 Net Radiometer
- R -
RA100 Remote Strobe and Siren Alarm
RA110 Remote Alarm System
RangeVue 15 SDI-12, Radar Water-Level Sensor
RangeVue 30 SDI-12, Radar Water-Level Sensor
Raven100 and Raven105 CDMA/1xRTT Digital Cellular Modem
Raven110 GPRS/EDGE Digital Cellular Modem
Raven II CDPD Digital Cellular Modem
RavenXT-series Sierra Wireless Airlink Digital Cellular Modems
RAWS-F Remote Automated Weather Stations
Redwing100 & Redwing105 CDMA Digital Cellular Modems
RF300-series Radios, RF Modem, Base Station Package
RF310M Modem & RF310B Base Station Brochure
RF310-series Narrowband UHF/VHF Radios
RF320-Series Narrowband UHF/VHF Radios
RF400, RF410, and RF415 Spread Spectrum Radio Modems
RF401-Series & RF430-Series Spread Spectrum Radio Modems
RF450 Spread Spectrum Radio
RF500B RF Base Station
RF500M RF Modem
Road Weather--RWIS
RTDAQ Real-Time Data Acquisition Software
RTDM Real-Time Data Monitor Software
RTMC (RTMC Development, RTMC Pro, RTMC Run-Time, and CSI Web Server)
Rural Water
- S -
SATARGOS Satellite Transmitter
SAT HDR GOES High Data Rate GOES Transmitter
SC100 Serial Data Interface
SC105 CS I/O to RS-232 DCE Interface
SC115 CS I/O 2G Flash Memory Drive with USB Interface
SC32A Datalogger to RS-232 Interface
SC32B Datalogger to RS-232 Interface
SC532A Peripheral to RS-232 Interface
SC932A CS I/O to RS-232 DCE Interface
SCADA Systems and Campbell Scientific Water Systems
SC-IRDA Infrared Communications Interface
SC-USB Datalogger to USB Interface
SDM-AO4A Four-Channel Analog-Output Module
SDM-AO4 Four Channel Analog Output Module
SDM-CAN Datalogger-to-CANbus Interface
SDM-CD16AC 16-Channel AC/DC Relay Controller
SDM-CD16ACA 16-Channel AC/DC Relay Controller
SDM-CD16D 16-Channel Digital Control Port Expansion Module
SDM-CD16S 16-Channel Solid State DC Relay Controller
SDM-CD8S Eight-Channel Solid-State DC Controller
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module
SDM-INT8 Interval Timer
SDM-IO16 16-Channel I/O Expansion Module
SDM-SIO1 Serial Input/Output Module
SDM-SIO4 Four Channel Serial I/O Interface
SDM-SW8A Switch Closure Module
SDS511 Dual Port Adapter
SI-111 (IRR-P) Precision Infrared Radiometer
SM4M and SM16M Storage Modules for Mixed-Array Dataloggers & DSP4
Software Overview
Soil Water
Solar Operational Meteorological Monitoring Station
Solar Panels
SP-LITE Solar Radiation Sensor
SR50 Distance Sensor
SRM-5A Short Haul RAD® Modems
SSR100 Stage Sensor Recorder System
ST-20 Argos Satellite Transmitter
ST-21 Argos Satellite Transmitter
ST350 Strain Transducer for Structural Testing
Structural Monitoring
SV8PLUS Geographic Position Receiver
SWD1 Storm Water Discharge
SWP100 Small-Wind-Turbine Performance Monitoring System
- T -
TB4, TB4MM, CS700, and CS700H Tipping Bucket Rain Gages
TDR Probe Insertion Guides
TE525WS, TE525, & TE525MM Rain Gages
TGA100 Trace-Gas Analyzer
Time-Domain Reflectometry for Rock Mass Deformation
Time-Domain Reflectometry System (TDR100, SDM8X50, CS600-series)
TL925 CR9000 to RS-232 Interface
TurfWeather Automated Weather Station for OEMs
T.Weather 106 TORO Weather Station
T.Weather T107 TORO Weather Station
TX312 High Data Rate GOES Transmitter
TX320 High Data Rate GOES Transmitter
TX325 Satellite Transmitter for GOES CS2/v2.0
- U -
UT10 10-foot Instrumentation Tower
Utilities and Energy
- V -
Vehicle Testing
ViewDAQ Real-Time Data Display & Graphing Software
VisualWeather Software for Weather Stations
VS1 Telephone Modem with Voice Synthesizer
VSP3 Vosponder Voice Radio Interface Module
- W -
Weather and Climate
Weather Stations
Wind Energy Systems
WindSonic1 and WindSonic4 2-D Ultrasonic Anemometers
WMS100 Wind Monitoring System
WXT510 Weather Transmitter
WXT520 Vaisala Weather Transmitter
- Z -
ZephIR 300 Lidar System