Short Cut Program Generator for Windows (SCWin)
Eases Programming
Simple way to generate datalogger programs
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Short Cut Program Generator (SCWin) is a free, menu-driven, PC-compatible software package that simplifies the creation of data logger programs; it creates a data logger program in seven easy steps.

Note: Short Cut is included with PC400 and LoggerNet software, so no additional download of Short Cut is necessary if you are using either of these programs. To download Short Cut separately, visit the Downloads section below or click the Download Now button above.

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Benefits and Features

  • Creates a data logger program in seven easy steps.
  • Generates a printable wiring diagram.
  • Supports both standard sensors and generic measurements (e.g., bridge, pulse).
  • Supports the AM25T, AM16/32B, AM16/32A, AM16/32, AM416, and AM32 multiplexers.
  • Supports CDM and GRANITE VOLT Analog Input Modules.
  • Supports GRANITE TEMP Thermocouple Modules.
  • Supports the AVW200 2-Channel Vibrating Wire Analyzer Module.
  • Supports ET106, ET107, and MetData1 Weather Stations.
  • Includes a reference crop evapotranspiration calculation module and other mathematical calculations.
  • Can be downloaded free of charge; see Downloads section or Download Now button on web page.


Detailed Description

Originally intended to support meteorological and hydrological applications, the initial releases of Short Cut (SCWin) supported over 120 sensors. Now, with additional program generation capabilities, Short Cut supports programming for our multiplexers, AVW200-series Vibrating Wire Interfaces, ET107 stations, ET106 stations, MetData1 stations, and most sensors that can be measured by our data loggers.

Short Cut allows the user to select sensors and choose output data. Short Cut then creates a wiring diagram and a program file for transfer to the data logger. It also includes support for algebraic entry of expressions.


Data Logger Considerations

Short Cut is widely used to configure data loggers that are programmable with Edlog and CRBasic. Launch the Short Cut application to view which products are supported.

Computer Requirements

Computer operating systems—Windows 10 and 11. Short Cut runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of these operating systems.

Product Support

Short Cut supports more than 100 sensors (including generic measurements), multiplexers, AVW200-series vibrating wire interfaces, and the ET107.


Operating System Windows 11 and 10 (Both 32- and 64-bit operating systems are supported.)
Requirement .NET 4.0
Purchased Separately Free download
Software Level Entry
Communications Supported N/A (program generator only)
Scheduled Data Collection Supported N/A (program generator only)
Data Display Supported N/A (program generator only)


Product Brochures


Short Cut v.4.7 (33.6 MB) 19-03-2025

Short Cut creates simple programs for our CR200-series, CR300-series, CR510, CR500, CR10(X), 21X, CR23X, CR6, CR800, CR1000(X), CR1000Xe, CR3000, CR5000, CR9000X and GRANITE dataloggers. Both mixed array and table data operating systems are supported. Short Cut also supports our ET106, ET107 and MetData1 weather stations. The newest version includes the latest sensor files.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related to Short Cut: 8

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  1. Short Cut for Windows version 2.8 includes two new sensor files:

    • CS450/CS455 Pressure Transducer
    • WindSonic4 (SDI12) Two-Dimensional Ultrasonic Wind Sensor
    1. Added support for interfaces requiring special wiring between the data logger and sensors:
      • LLAC4 4-channel Low-Level AC Conversion Module
      • SW12V Power Switch Assembly
    2. Added support for outputting data to the CR1000's CompactFlash module (CFM100).
    3. Added new Campbell Scientific sensor files:
      • 107 Temperature Probe (4-wire version) for multiplexers
      • 108 Temperature Probe (3-wire) for multiplexers
      • 108 Temperature Probe (4-wire) for multiplexers
      • AGS Level Sensor (Metritape)
      • CNR1 Net Radiometer
      • CS100 Barometric Pressure Sensor
      • CS205-LC Fuel Temperature Sensor for the MetData1 and ET106
      • CS215 Temperature & Relative Humidity Sensor
      • CS505-LC Fuel Moisture Sensor for the MetData1 and ET106
      • CS512 Dissolved Oxygen Probe
      • HMP45C (6-wire) Temperature & Relative Humidity Sensor on the SW12V
      • NRG #200P Wind Direction Sensor
      • NRG #40 Wind Speed Sensor
      • Device for Analog Input from SDM-AO4
      • Device for Current/Voltage Input from SDM-CVO4
      • WindSonic-LC 2-D Sonic Wind Sensor for the MetData1
      1. User Interface: new, wizard-like user interface that makes the process of creating a data logger program even easier than before.
      2. Data loggers: support for the CR3000 Micrologger.
      3. Sensors:
        • Images to help select the correct sensor for a program.
        • CSI sensor files for the CS15 Current Transformer and CS300 Apogee PYR-P Pyranometer.
      4. Wiring Diagrams: supports two additional colors (brown and orange) as well as the ground symbol.
      5. User-selectable print options (Results, Summary, Wiring Diagram, Wiring Text) added to the last step of creating a data logger program.
      6. Improved Advanced Outputs:
        • “Ring” and “Fill and Stop” table options now supported.
        •  Added the ability to “Store Filemark” when a flag is toggled by the user.
        •  Added the option to set a flag high when a table becomes full.
        •  Added a “Data Event” output option.
      1. We have merged the sensors list for our European office into SCWin, eliminating the need for two versions. If terminal input modules (TIMs) are being used, the wiring diagram in SCWin now supports them. Data storage to PCMCIA or CompactFlash cards has been added for the CR1000 and CR5000 dataloggers.
      2. Added support for alternative groups of sensor files, specifically to support sensor files developed for sensors specific to European users. The SCWin.EXE was modified to read new settings in the sensor files and display a menu item under the Settings menu to offer options for viewing Campbell Scientific Inc. or Campbell Scientific Ltd. sensor groups. 
      3. Added support for interfaces requiring special wiring between the data logger and sensors: LLAC4 (4-channel device for reading low-level ac signals on digital control ports), SW12V (standalone switched 12V relay cable for HMP45C sensors), Terminal Input Modules for the AGS Level Sensor and CNR1 Net Radiometer, A547 Interface for the CS547A Conductivity and Temperature Probe, QD1 Interface for quadrature shaft encoders, SDM-AO4 4-Channel Analog Output Module, and SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module. 
      4. Added support for outputting data to the CFM100 CompactFlash Module from the CR1000. 
      5. Added new sensor files:
        • 107 Temperature Probe (4-wire version) for multiplexers
        • 108 Temperature Probe (3-wire) for multiplexers
        • 108 Temperature Probe (4-wire) for multiplexers
        • AGS Level Sensor (Metritape)
        • CNR1 Net Radiometer
        • CS100 Barometric Pressure Sensor
        • CS205-LC Fuel Temperature Sensor for the MetData1 and ET106
        • CS215 Temperature & Relative Humidity Sensor
        • CS505-LC Fuel Moisture Sensor for the MetData1 and ET106
        • CS512 Dissolved Oxygen Probe
        • HMP45C (6-wire) Temperature & Relative Humidity Sensor on the SW12V
        • NRG #200P Wind Direction Sensor
        • NRG #40 Wind Speed Sensor
        • Device for Analog Input from SDM-AO4
        • Device for Current/Voltage Input from SDM-CVO4
        • WindSonic-LC 2-D Sonic Wind Sensor for the MetData1
        • Wind Run Calculation
    4. Short Cut for Windows 2.9 includes the following enhancements from 2.8:

      • A new Datalogger step has been added to the Progress panel. In this step, select the data logger model and set the scan interval.  When generating a program for a CR9000X, the CR9000X Configuration box also appears on this screen.   
      • When adding a sensor, if more than one of the selected sensors can be added, the choice of how many sensors to add is included as part of the sensor’s form rather than as a separate dialog box.
      • When adding more than one sensor, a dialog box is available that allows the input of unique values for certain calibration and/or conversion factors (e.g., multiplier, offset, gage factor) for each sensor being measured.
      • Each sensor form now includes a wiring tab that shows the wiring for the sensor. This tab allows the manual change of the wiring location, if desired.
      • For some sensors that require an excitation voltage, the sensor form now includes parameters that allow the calculation of the Sensors per Excitation Channel. (Exciting more than one sensor with an excitation channel is helpful when the sensors to be measured outnumber the available excitation channels.)
      • An SC115 CS I/O-to-USB Flash Memory Drive check box has been added to the Outputs screen. When this box is selected, new data will be copied to an SC115 when it is plugged into the CS I/O port of the data logger.
      • Selected Sensors are now shown in a tree format, and branches of the tree can be collapsed or expanded as desired. This can be especially useful when the Selected Sensor tree contains multiplexers.
      • New Sensor files:
        • 27106T Wind Speed Sensor
        • CS525 ISFET pH Probe
        • CS650/655 Water Content Reflectometer
        • CS506 Fuel Moisture Sensor
        • NR-LITE2 Net Radiometer
        • CNR4 Net Radiometer
        • Quarter Bridge Strain Gage
        • Half Bridge Strain Gage
        • Full Bridge Strain Gage
        • Geokon 4000/4050 Vibrating Wire Strain Gage
        • Geokon 4100-Series Vibrating Wire Strain Gage
        • Geokon 4420 Vibrating Wire Crackmeter
        • Geokon 4500-Series Vibrating Wire Piezometer
    5. One of the biggest changes in Short Cut for Windows 2.6 is support for the CR900X Measurement and Control System. A selection of generic measurements and thermocouple sensors for the CR9000X are available for the first time in this release. Other changes include:

      • New sensor files for the CMP3 Pyranometer, the IRR-P Precision Infrared Temperature Sensor, the JC Ultrasonic Depth Sensor, the CNR2 Net Radiometer, the CS106 Barometric Pressure Sensor, the OBS-3+ Turbidity Sensor, and a saturation vapor pressure calculation
      • Advanced tab on the Finish screen for CRBasic data logger, which allows viewing the CRBasic code and launching the CRBasic Editor
      • Option to send the program to the data logger from the Results tab on the Finish screen
      • Ability to create custom sensors using existing sensor files as templates
      • Ability to manually set advanced outputs to high or low resolution
    6. We do not offer an individual manual for SCWin (Short Cut for Windows). Short Cut information is provided in the LoggerNet, RTDAQ, and PC400 manuals. Information can also be obtained from the Help screens within SCWin.

    7. A free program generator for all Campbell Scientific data loggers is Short Cut for Windows (SCWin). Short Cut can be used to create programs in many situations where Campbell Scientific equipment is used. The Campbell Scientific YouTube channel has a two-part series on using Short Cut.

      In situations where program requirements are too complex or specialized for Short Cut, programs can be written in any text editor that can edit and save plain ASCII text. However, creating an error-free program would be very difficult. The CRBasic Editor that comes with PC400 and LoggerNet provides a programming environment with procedure templates, integrated help, programming examples, the ability to test compile the program before sending it, and many other features that can be very helpful when developing a program.

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