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Clock check with the datalogger failed

JGomez Mar 12, 2009 11:29 PM


I am new using CSI data loggers. I have a CR10X and a CR23X data loggers. When I attempt to stablish a connection between my PC and the data logger the following message is displayed:

Clock check with the datalogger failed

I do not know what does this mean. Can anyone help me?

By the way, my configuration is

Datalogger Information
Datalogger Name: CR10X
Datalogger Type: CR10X

Direct Connect Connection
COM Port: COM1

Datalogger Settings
Baud Rate: 9600
Security Code: 0
Extra Response Time: 0s

Thank you.

wpns Mar 13, 2009 12:20 AM

Are you using a proper level conversion cable? You can't just use an RS-232 cable, as the CR10X end doesn't use RS-232 levels.

JGomez Mar 13, 2009 12:47 AM

I am using a cable that goes out from my computer, the other end is attached to a SC532A CS I/O Peripheral to RS-232 Interface. Another cable goes to the data logger. Are both cables different?

JGomez Mar 13, 2009 01:13 AM

You are right!!!

I have just realized that I need the SC532B.

Thank you for your help!!

jtrauntvein Mar 13, 2009 02:55 PM

What you really need is the SC32B. The sub-protocol used on the CS I/O port for communication with the computer is called ME (modem enable). There are two roles taken in this sub-protocol: ME master (that taken by the datalogger) and ME slave. The SC532 (a or b) implements the ME master protocol so that devices like the RF310 can be configured in phone-rf links. As such, it will not facilitate direct communication with your computer. The SC32B, on the other hand, implements the ME slave. The SC105 can also be configured to support this role. Finally, the SC-USB can be used to directly communicate with the logger from USB to the CS I/O port.

vittor Oct 4, 2009 09:43 PM

Hi.....Please help me....Same problem (Clock check with the datalogger failed) with CR10X.
Please explane me, to conect CR10X with PC need only cable or any more module?
Hear http://www.campbellsci.co.uk/index.cfm?id=139 i found so much but, wich one need? If need?!


Danaw Oct 5, 2009 06:28 PM

You need the first one in that list -- the SC32B.

With the CR23X, you can use a standard serial cable if you connect to the RS232 port (not the CS I/O -- all CS I/O direct connections need the SC32B)


Dana W.

Enzo Jan 8, 2010 07:05 PM

Conecting 21X with USB/serial cable

I am trying to comunicate my 21X with my laptop with a USB/serial cable. I am using a SC32A. Is an easy conection on my desktop(that have COM ports), but in my laptop with the adapter cable I am having problems. The same error apears: Clock check with the datalogger failed
If someone can help me, I thanks.

Danaw Jan 9, 2010 12:28 AM

If I understand correctly, you can connect to the 21X using your desktop computer, but when you take that same setup to the laptop you cannot?

Does the USB to serial cable show up as a COM port in your Windows Device Manager settings? Have you installed the proper drivers for the USB to serial cable?

Dana W.

aswTECH Nov 1, 2010 10:29 PM

I am having the same issue!

CR23X, USB to RS-232 (Computer RS-232 - Optically Isolated).

It was working initially, but then I just uploaded a new OS and now it will not communicate...


Danaw Nov 3, 2010 04:39 PM

Make sure the baud rate for the datalogger's RS232 port is the same as what is specified in the communications software.

Regards, Dana W.

aswTECH Nov 3, 2010 04:49 PM

I tried all the available baud rates, same error message. I have tried connecting with Device Config and PC200W

Danaw Nov 3, 2010 11:18 PM

I tried all the available baud rates, same error message. I have tried connecting with Device Config and PC200W

It would probably be easier if you contacted your local Campbell Scientific office via telephone for support. Be prepared to provide the version number of software you are using, the type of serial cable, and the exact error messages you are receiving.


Dana W.

MattShearDiamonds Aug 21, 2011 02:25 PM

I am having very similar issues. I had set up the remote and base stations for the Met station next to eachother for testing puposes, and evntually got them to connect remotely, but now that its been set up in the field, i continuously get the "Classic:cmdclockset" error message.

Datalogger Information
Datalogger Name: CR10X
Datalogger Type: CR10X

Direct Connect Connection
COM Port: COM1

Datalogger Settings
Baud Rate: 9600
Security Code: 0
Extra Response Time: 02s
Delay hangup: 200ms

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

LeeW Dec 2, 2014 08:30 PM

A colleague of mind has been using a laptop cabled through a SC32B and PC200 software to connect to a CR10x. This has worked fine all year. Now after bringing it in for the winter it no longer works. They are charging the battery through a wall connection (PN 9591). So, why then do they get the same "Classic:cmdclockset" message?

jorgeluisgatica Aug 7, 2019 03:29 PM

Lo que indica Bob ha funcionado perfectamente para mi CR10X, gracias!

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