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Difference in retrive from connect and file control

smile Apr 3, 2017 04:54 PM

Dears, we have some stations CR1000 with encrypted programs.

During a round of maintenance we had a problem.

Before upgrade the OS, to the most recent version, we have retrive the program, which has been reloaded after the upgrade, but with compilation errors.

Curious by this, we did some tests and we noticed a difference in the files volume of the same encrypted program, downloaded from the "retrive" of the main page of connect and from "controll file" page.
Essentially the files downloaded from retrive of connect does compile wrong and not work, while those files downloaded from controll files work well.
There is a right way to do this?
Thank you



Danaw Apr 7, 2017 03:08 PM

Hello Smile,

I ran a couple of quick tests and then talked with our engineering team about this. It looks like the Connect window is opening the file in text mode, where File Control opens the file in binary. If opened in text mode, certain characters will be interpreted and stored incorrectly.

We'll look at resolving this in a future version of the Connect window, but for now, you will need to retrieve the file using File Control.

I apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for bringing it to our attention!

Best, Dana

smile Apr 7, 2017 05:15 PM

Thanks Dana, no big deal, it just seemed weird.

For the future we will use retrive from FILE CONTROL.



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