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Accounting for delay between pump and analyzer in program

EddyCO2 Sep 29, 2016 06:04 PM


I am using a CR3000 to log data from a closed path gas analyzer, set up to perform gradient measurements.

So far I am recording all variables at 10hz with a daily output and everything works fine. However, I would like to have the logger calculate average concentrations for an ajustable period within the 6 seconds between level valve switchs, and store this data in a seperate table. What I can<t quite figure out is how to program average concentrations of specific period within the 6 seconds, and also how to align this average with the corresponding timestamp (since there is a delay due to the distance between the intake and Irga). Below is what I have so far. Any guidance would be appreciated.


' To output all raw data, every scan (10hz)

DataTable (RawData,true,-1)
  DataInterval (0,0,Sec,10)
  TableFile ("CRD:IRGA"&".RawData_",64, -1, 0,1,Day, 0, 0)
  Sample (1,year_out,FP2)
  Sample (1,month_out,FP2)
  Sample (1,day_out,FP2)
  Sample (1,hours_out,FP2)
  Sample (1,minutes_out,FP2)
  Sample (1,microseconds_out,FP2)
  Sample (1,Site,IEEE4)
  Sample (1,Level,IEEE4)
  Sample (8,IRGAData(1),IEEE4)

' Average Online concentration data for each valve switch
 DataTable (Conc,true,-1)
   DataInterval (0,6,Sec,10)
   TableFile ("CRD:IRGA"&".Conc_",64, -1, 0,30,Min, 0, 0)
   Sample (1,year_out,FP2)
   Sample (1,month_out,FP2)
   Sample (1,day_out,FP2)
   Sample (1,hours_out,FP2)
   Sample (1,minutes_out,FP2)
   Sample (1,seconds_out,FP2)
   Average (8,IRGAData(1),IEEE4,False)

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