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hexadecimales in programming crbasic for serial comm

kokihualpa Sep 24, 2016 10:49 AM


I am trying to get communication between a cr1000/cr800 and an equipment that it recieves and sends data hexadecimal.

for example

Poll data request:


response from the unit:


they are an example, in fact the number could be larger.


the first problem that I have is the number of bytes. I thought to use movebytes but I cant get response. 

the second one is to send like hexadecimal using serialIn() and serialout(), but there is resctrict in number of bytes to use?.

and when  recieve the data that one has to be hexadecimal, when I get the response from the unit to the datalogger Can I use the function hex()?

can you give some example of how can I programming this topic? only an example

thank you

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