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Program GS3 from Degagon using Short Cut

grl Jun 2, 2016 07:03 PM

I am trying to program eight GS3 moisture sensors from Decagon on a CR1000 with multiplexer. I would like to start with Short Cut and then edit as needed. What type of sensor should I select in Short Cut? Short Cut seem a good starting point because I will also be connecting vibrating wires on another multiplexer.

SDI-12 is not a good option because some of the cables are >200ft, and I will only be able to collect data monthly.

Thank you for the help.

smile Jun 3, 2016 08:30 PM

I read in the GS3 probe manual that supports cables up to 75 meters and your 200 feet, I think they are about 61 meters, so you should have no problems.

About 15 mt more do not help you?
Also, why is there the kind of SDI-12 output, with the monthly record, I did not understand your sentence.
However since you can only choose the RS232 serial output to SDI-12 option, which with these distances is even worse, I suggest to connect a remote CR200 to CR1000 or system alone to measure closer to 8 probes. You could connect the CR200 to CR1000 by radio or by RS232 cable amplified (in RS485 conversion) to have a single integrated system.


grl Jun 4, 2016 12:42 AM

Smile, thank you for the suggestions.

I guess the my questions is, what is the equivalent of a GS3 (or the closest to it) in the list of sensors in Short Cut?

smile Jun 4, 2016 05:13 AM

with some minor modifications to the management of SW12, I believe that the CS655 is perfect. You find it in the sensors group SOIL, (PC200W 4.4)


grl Jun 5, 2016 11:13 PM

Smile, thank you! I will try it out.

Danaw Jun 6, 2016 05:11 PM

From reading the spec sheet on the G3, it would seem that the sensor supports only SDI-12 or their DDI-serial communication. 

They have program on their web site for CSI dataloggers, including serial communication and SDI-12:


Dana W. 

grl Jun 6, 2016 05:47 PM


Thank you for checking and helping. Decagon said that the GS3 is a rugged version of the 5TE, so they suggested I start with the 5TE with multiplexer code (http://software.decagon.com/5TEMULTIPLEXERFORCR1000.CR1)

I had just made a program with shortcut with one multiplexer (1st) that will have the moisture sensors and one AVW200 with two multplexers (2nd & 3rd) that will handle vibrating wires. I am editing and incorporating the 5TE code to the one from shortcut.


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