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File compare utility

rlwoell Aug 7, 2015 06:17 PM

I often open two files at once in the CRBasic editor so I can cut and paste code from one to another and to look for differences in the programs. Comparing the programs side by side, line by line can be tedious and sometimes I may miss the differences.

There are public domain programs such as KDiff3 that can be used to search for and highlight the differences in text files. A simple search of the Internet will find this and other programs. (CSI engineer Mark W. told me about KDiff3.)

If I remember correctly the old PC9000 program allowed users to add external programs to the menu. I looked to see if I could do the same with the CRBasic editor but didn't see how it could be done.

Having a file compare utility as a drop-down under the CRBasic editor Tool tab would be a very welcome addition to that program.

Danaw Aug 10, 2015 08:52 PM

Hello "rlwoell",

Thank you for the feedback! I'll put your comment on the list for consideration.



scrisp Feb 2, 2018 11:44 PM

Has this had any traction? Thankyou.

IslandMan Feb 14, 2018 08:16 PM

I use a program called UltraEdit. Works great for comparing the difference between two programs on the same screen, highlights the differences for you. It's quite flexible.

SteveA Feb 14, 2018 10:43 PM

Thanks IslandMan!  I was in the process of comparing two documents when you posted your response.  I tried out UltraEdit and it worked like a charm.  An hour saved :)

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