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Classic: cmdclockset error message

LeeW Dec 4, 2014 01:00 PM

A colleague of mind has been using a relatively new laptop cabled from the USB port through a SC32B (PC200 software) to connect to a CR10x. This has worked fine the last two years. Now after bringing it in for the winter this system no longer works in the laboratory. Admittedly, they did not have it plugged into an AC connection (PN 9591). However, for the last 10 days it has been, but still the same message. So, what does the message mean (Classic:cmdclockset) in this case and what can I do for them about it?

JDavis Dec 4, 2014 04:01 PM

Simply put, the software failed to communicate with the datalogger. The first thing the software does when trying to connect to a datalogger, is read the time from the datalogger clock. If there is no communication, you will see that error.

Check the simple things first like voltage at 12V on the datalogger and the right Com port selected. Feel free to call support at Campbell Scientific and an application engineer will help walk you through getting the connection working.

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