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CR1000 communication problem...

bcomc Sep 4, 2013 12:56 PM


I'm using CR1000 datalogger

I have a problem which is communication failure.

Failure: 2013-09-03 13:29:04.566
transaction failure","unreachable destination","Get Logger Program Status
Failure: 2013-09-03 13:29:04.566
transaction failure","unreachable destination","check/set clock
Failure: 2013-09-03 13:46:29.383
transaction failure","unreachable destination","Get Logger Program Status
Failure: 2013-09-03 13:46:29.383
transaction failure","unreachable destination","check/set clock

this error occurs....

I searched solutions and tried

device configuration -> unknown search and change baud rate from 115200 to 9600
check mypc usb port and port's baud rate.
usb port of my pc is com3 and its baud rate matched cr1000's baud rate.

but nothing fixed....

more funny thing is that..

a few days ago, it worked very well. it communicated with my pc and labtop very well. but not today..

also, when I send file to datalogger, if file name is 'untitled' , it was transmitted well, but if file name is something but 'untitled', same problem(communication failed) occurred.

it's too sad....

aprendiz Jan 27, 2014 06:26 AM

I have the same problem, but I dont see any response to the question or hesistate.

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