I'm trying to have my datalogger be on UTC time and also have an extra column with local time using the DaylightSavingUS() instruction. Using the Bonus Tip from Daylight Saving Time and Your Data Logger (campbellsci.com), I set my Loggernet to use GMT. I then added a column for local time using the idea from UTC and Local Data tables simultaneously - Campbell Scientific User Forums. This seemed to work just fine.
Daylight Saving TIme ended this past weekend (05-Nov-2023 at 2AM), so I went from Eastern Daylight TIme to Eastern Standard time. This morning I went to check and sure enough, my local time is now 5 hours behind UTC instead of 4 as it was last week. However, it looks like the time actually changed at 02:00 UTC (or what I thought was UTC).
"2023-11-05 01:50:00",1295,"2023-11-04 21:50:00",
"2023-11-05 01:55:00",1296,"2023-11-04 21:55:00",
"2023-11-05 02:00:00",1297,"2023-11-04 21:00:00",
"2023-11-05 01:05:00",1298,"2023-11-04 20:05:00",
"2023-11-05 01:10:00",1299,"2023-11-04 20:10:00",
What did I do wrong? I did not set UTC offset in the datalogger itself, but I thought the LoggerNet Server setting to use GMT would handle that.
Here is the code snippet I used to get the local time:
UTCOffset = 5*3600-DaylightSavingUS(-1) TmStamp_Local = Public.TimeStamp(1,1) - UTCOffset
Sample (1,TmStamp_Local,Nsec)
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LoggerNet has a setting that can be adjusted using the setup screen tools/LoggerNet Server Settings menu. You have three options for the clock base that will be used by LoggerNet when it interacts with all of its stations. The first (the default) is to follow local daylight savings time, the second is to follow local time but remove any correction for daylight savings. The last is to track UTC time.
Although you set LoggerNet to use GMT, it's essential to verify that the settings for your data logger are also configured to recognize the change in time zone. If the logger itself does not have the correct UTC offset or is not set to automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time, it may lead to discrepancies in the recorded local time.