Dear Metsens users,
Is it possible to use the GPS information from this sensor to keep the time in the dataloggers (CR300, CR1000 series) accurate within 100mS or do I need a separate Garmin sensor? (I do not nieed the 10 uSec. from the PPS output.)
Any information/suggestion is welcome
Hello, have you found a solution?
Thank you
Yes it's possible to use the `GPS()` instruction with GPS data from a MetSENS (or any other NMEA 0183) sensor but without a PPS signal the accuracy will be much less (e.g. ~1sec not 100ms).
It also means any non-GPS data will have to be manually extracted from the relevant sentences. Check out the `GPSArray` and `NMEASentences` parameters in the CRBasic `GPS()` help article.
Thank you
The MetSENS shipped from Campbell Scientific do not have the optional GPS unit installed, and are not configured to output NMEA 0183 format.
Thank you,
I'm trying to establish communication between a CR300 (new and last OS update) and a GPS (NMEA 0183 V3.01: GGA, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG - 9600 bps) with this simple code.:
Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
GPS (latitude_a,COMC1_RX,C2,LOCAL_TIME_OFFSET*3600,100,nmea_sentence(1),9600)
As you can imagine, it doesn't work (tested with or without a PPS signal), I get NAN for all the frames coming from the GPS.
On the oscilloscope, I have a PPS signal of 3.3 V at 1 Hz as well as the data frame from the GPS (@ 5V). The data frame is approximately 910ms (always less than 1000ms).
The PPS parameter always return approx. 550 ms (that it is transmitted on C2, SE1, ...)), i don't understand.
On the terminal (7: COM RX), I have no data
I don't know what to test anymore. Please, do you have an idea ?
Thank you,