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Remote update of dataloggers using sierra wireless modems

maurixio Mar 16, 2018 02:48 PM

Is it possible (like a ethernet interface way to do) , to update dataloggers operating systems by a coded routine?

We connect dataloggers through sc105 interface and RavenXT/LS300/RV50 modems.


Danaw Mar 29, 2018 04:26 PM

For most dataloggers, you can send an operating system from the Connect window in LoggerNet, much like sending a program file. Some older dataloggers do not have enough memory to accommodate this, but you are alerted of this when you try to send the OS.

Using this method, every attempt is made to maintain the existing settings in the datalogger. However, there are some instances where the differences in the old OS and new OS are significant enough that this is not possible. To make sure you do not leave yourself unable to remotely communicate with the datalogger, it is important to make sure you have a "fall-back" program running on the datalogger that sets the datalogger's settings (SetSetting instruction) so that you can still communicate using the cellular modem.  

There are a few ways to do this.The CR1000 manual has a section discussing the Default.cr1 file and the Include file, both of which are methods of running a specific program when the datalogger is first powered up or reset. There is also a short discussion in the CRBasic help file (In the help file Index, search for Default program file, and you'll be taken to a topic called Include File.) 

Please read and understand these sections carefully and send a program to the datalogger to be run as a default before sending a new OS to the datalogger using the Connect window, so you do not leave yourself with no option of communicating with the datalogger except for a site visit. 

Best, Dana

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