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CR5000 data collection missing records

Japsimran Feb 20, 2018 02:08 AM

I am using accelerometers, strain gages and wind monitor on a CR5000. I am outputting accelerations and strains at 100 milliseconds whereas wind speed and direction at a 1-second interval. I am using a subscan interval for wind speed and direction. I am using trigger command to only record values when wind speed is >2 mph. I am having some trouble collecting data for wind speed. While collecting wind speed and direction data, the record on the data logger screen shows some really high value (10^27) once in between 3-4 days. I am guessing this might be some noise. So, when I download or collect the data, it only downloads data before last big value. It shows me a total number of records but stops the download or collection in between when it reaches the noise value. And then if I download specific records after that big value, it downloads again till the next big value. But, is there a way to download or collect all the values at once without specifying record numbers?

Danaw Feb 26, 2018 10:32 PM

Could you define what tool you are using to collect the data?

Dana W. 

Japsimran Feb 28, 2018 03:08 AM

I am using Loggernet 4.0 (the oldest version) to collect the data.

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