I need to connect a HMP45D probe in a CR1000 data logger. Is it possible to connect this probe for temperature in a single ended mode and use the VoltSE instruction? And in a differential mode and use the VoltDiff instruction?
What I need for connect it in a 4 wire bridge? Can be used in this case the BrHalf instruction?
connect hmp 45d to cr 1000
From the manufacturer's documentation, the code indicates the model with 4-wire PT100, so you can not use single wire or differential measurements.
The HMP45A model would have allowed the use of these measures.
However you can use a PT100 connection to 3 or 4 wire ( if you have more cable, use 4 wire) well described in the manual of the CR1000, or automatically using the Campbell shortcut program. Furthermore, you need, depending on which bridge uses, 10K ohms simple or precision and also 100 ohm precision. In the manual of the logger the resistances characteristics are described, which complete the measurement bridge.