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CR5000 Os update problem

DanUniMi Feb 22, 2012 11:31 AM

Hello All,

I receive an "Invalid fragment signature received" at offset 851978 while trying to send OS.

I used Device Configuration Utility 2.01 with last OS CR5000.Std.06.obj.

Obviously after that I can't connect to device.

I tried to re-donwload the os but the problem persist.
I tried another PC (one with USB-Serial adapter and one with a phisical Serial Port) but the problem persist also at the same offset.

I search another OS, like 2.5 version but I can't donwload it.

What can I do?

Thank a lot.
Best Regards

* Last updated by: DanUniMi on 2/22/2012 @ 7:23 AM *

GTProdMgr Feb 25, 2012 12:15 AM

I've temporarily posted OSes 2.5 and 1.9 for the CR5000
for you to get:


See if you can load either one of these firmware versions. Make sure that you do not lose power during the load of the firmware. If one of these two versions works, then you need to connect with LoggerNet and format the CPU drive. Then you should be able to load the Std.6 OS. Please try this and let me know how it goes.

dberdes Feb 26, 2012 12:17 AM

I too am having the same issue when sending "CR5000.Std.06.obj" to my CR5000.

Dialog Box "OS Send Failed":
Invalid fragment signature received. The whole operating system could not be send. The device will probably not book after this. In order to recover, the operating system must be resent.

The process hangs at "Sending fragment at offset 851978."

Misc info:

Device Configuration Utility 2.02.
CR5000 S/N 1790.

I retried the Send OS process multiple times with the same result.

I then attempted the prescribed remedy in this thread. After loading CR5000 OS v2.5 and formatting the CPU drive, I was able to successfully load OS v6.

Thank you for the suggestion. All is well...

Danaw Feb 26, 2012 03:47 PM

I'll ask someone to look at this and pull the OS from the web site.

Dana W.

GTProdMgr Feb 28, 2012 05:23 PM

Hello DanUniMi,

When you "re-downloaded the OS" did you mean that you tried to get it again from the Campbell Scientific website, or that you simply tried again to load it from your PC to the datalogger ?

It appears that you don't have a good copy of the Std6 OS, and so you should try to obtain it again from the Campbell Scientific website. We have done some testing here and don't see any problems with the Std6 OS or with the process of updating to the latest version from earlier versions.

I've also put it here for you to get :
The load signature on the OS is 45216.

If you have any further questions or problems, you should call Campbell Scientific directly for support.

GTProdMgr Feb 28, 2012 05:36 PM

I would also like to note that when downloading the OS from the Campbell Scientific website, you get a file named cr5000_firmware6.0.exe. This file is not the one that gets loaded into the datalogger. You must execute that .exe on your windows machine, and it will de-compress and place the CR5000.Std.06.obj file onto the file system. It is that .obj file that needs to be loaded into the datalogger using DevConfig.

GTProdMgr Feb 28, 2012 08:50 PM

We have duplicated the "Invalid fragment signature received" error in-house now, and understand what is happening.

Any CR5000 datalogger that has never had a firmware version greater than 2.1 loaded in the past will not be able to directly load the Std6 OS. Most customer CR5000s with OS v2.1 or earlier will see this problem. For the affected CR5000s, a firmware with a version between 2.2 and 2.5 must first be loaded.

The recommended course is to load firmware v2.5, which can be found here for now:

After that firmware has been loaded, then the Std6 OS will load properly. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Contrary to what I mentioned earlier, the formatting of the CPU or getting the firmware from our website again will not solve the problem. dberdes had his problem solved by loading OS 2.5 as an intermediate step (it wasn't the CPU format that fixed the issue).

I should note that a CR5000 which has once had v2.2 OS or greater loaded and then is stepped back to v2.1 or earlier will not exhibit this problem.

DanUniMi Mar 12, 2012 04:55 PM

Thank a lot.
I update the os with 1.9, then 2.5 and after with 6.0 with the same file I downloaded the first time and all is ok.

The first time I attempt to update directly from 1.9 version, because there isn't any other os version on the Download section.

Now work fine.

ATurer Jun 23, 2017 09:55 AM

I have uploaded OS version 6 using device configuration utility 2.13 (the green bar progressed). At the end, program said it cannot communicate properly and I may have to reboot the datalogger by detaching the power. I did and sent the program again to see it still has version 2.5. Upgrading OS seems to be troublesome and not straightforward. Pressing and holding 1 doesn't seem to be holding the system at bootup state. 

Update: Although the version listed as 2.5 when I have uploaded the CR5 program file at the opened message window, when I checked the OS from panel of CR5000 > Status > OS version, it shows CR5000.Std.07 (also Station Status Summary window). That's a bit confusing. 

GTProdMgr Jul 20, 2017 06:43 PM

Please try getting the OS 7 download from here:


Carefully review this note:

If the current Operating System on a CR5000 is version 2.1 or earlier (and no higher OS version has been loaded in the past) then it is necessary to load the "intermediate.obj" OS (included with this download) onto the CR5000 first before installing the Std7 OS (CR5000.Std.07.obj).

I think you need to load the intermediate.obj OS first, then you should be able to load OS 6 or OS 7.

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