ENC100 Barometer Enclosure


The ENC100 is a small 6.7 by 5.5 in. enclosure designed to hold a barometer. It includes a backplate, compression fitting, vent, and mounting bracket. It may also be compatible with other small sensors or peripherals.

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Benefits and Features

  • White, UV-stabilized enclosure reflects solar radiation—reducing temperature gradients inside the enclosure without requiring a separate radiation shield


Detailed Description

The ENC100 is typically used to house a barometer in its own enclosure. It includes a compression fitting for cable entry, a vent for equalization with the atmosphere, a backplate for mounting the barometer (or other small device), and hardware for mounting the ENC100 to a tripod, tower, or pole.


The ENC100 can house one small device (typically a barometer).


Color White
Construction Polycarbonate
Backplate Prepunched with one-inch-on-center holes
  • 15.9 x 12.7 x 6.1 cm (6.25 x 5 x 2.4 in.) internal
  • 17.1 x 14.0 x 9.9 cm (6.7 x 5.5 x 3.9 in.) external