Weather / ClimaVue 50 G2 + Aspen 10 Solutions

What We Do

The ClimaVue™50 G2 is an affordable, all-in-one meteorological sensor for fulfilling your essential weather monitoring needs. The Aspen™10 Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Device complements your ClimaVue 50 G2 by providing supplementary data and gap filling for real-time weather observations. This combination ensures robustness and ease of maintenance for large-scale deployments. With an Aspen 10-enabled ClimaVue 50 G2, you gain access to accurate, actionable data for informed decision-making.

Learn more about the Aspen 10.

Aspen 10 and CampbellCloud Integration

Combining the ClimaVue 50 G2 and the Aspen 10 gives you access to streamlined data management through CampbellCloud™. This integration ensures data accuracy, storage, and real-time accessibility for your weather monitoring data.

Learn more about CampbellCloud.

CampbellGo: CampbellCloud Field Companion App

CampbellGo™, a companion app to CampbellCloud, simplifies the deployment and troubleshooting of Aspen 10-enabled ClimaVue 50 G2 stations. With near field communication (NFC) and Bluetooth connectivity, CampbellGo allows a direct wireless connection to the Aspen 10 for immediate device status, configuration options, and access to network views while on-site.

Learn more about the CampbellGo app.

ClimaVue 50 G2 Key Features

  • Quick deployment without the need for sensor configuration
  • Common meteorological measurements with one simple, digital (SDI-12) output
  • Less than 1 mA at 12 Vdc average current, making it ideal for solar-powered sites
  • Integrated tilt sensor to help assure the sensor stays level over time
  • Low maintenance—no moving parts to significantly reduce maintenance cost and time

Learn more about the ClimaVue 50 G2.

More Aspen 10-Compatible IoT Solutions


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