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05106-LC Marine Wind Monitor for CS110 or MetData1
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Repair Yes
Calibration No
Free Support Yes


The 05106-LC is a marine version of R. M. Young Company's 05103 Wind Monitor; its bearings are sealed to better resist the salt and sand of the maritime environment. The 05106 measures wind speed with a helicoid-shaped, four-blade propeller. Wind direction is sensed by the orientation of the fuselage-shaped sensor body, which is connected to an internal potentiometer.

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Detailed Description

The 05106 Wind Monitor-MA is made out of rigid UV-stabilized thermoplastic with stainless steel and anodized aluminum fittings. The thermoplastic material resists corrosion from sea air environments and atmospheric pollutants. It uses stainless-steel precision-grade ball bearings for the propeller shaft and vertical shaft bearings.

To make it more durable in offshore and marine applications, the 05106 has waterproof bearing lubricant and a sealed, heavy-duty cable pigtail instead of the standard junction box.

The 05106 measures wind speed with a helicoid-shaped, four-blade propeller. Rotation of the propeller produces an ac sine wave that has a frequency directly proportional to wind speed. The ac signal is induced in a transducer coil by a six-pole magnet mounted on the propeller shaft. The coil resides on the non-rotating central portion of the main mounting assembly, eliminating the need for slip rings and brushes.

Wind direction is sensed by the orientation of the fuselage-shaped sensor body, which is connected to an internal potentiometer. The datalogger applies a known precision excitation voltage to the potentiometer element. The output is an analog voltage signal directly proportional to the azimuth angle.


Operating Temperature -50° to +50°C (assuming non-riming conditions)
Mounting Pipe Description 34 mm (1.34 in.) OD
Standard 1.0-in. IPS schedule 40
Main Housing Diameter 5 cm (2.0 in.)
Propeller Diameter 18 cm (7.1 in.)
Overall Height 37 cm (14.6 in.)
Overall Length 55 cm (21.7 in.)
Weight 1.5 kg (3.2 lb)

Wind Speed

Range 0 to 100 m/s (0 to 224 mph)
Accuracy ±0.3 m/s (0.6 mph) or 1% of reading
Starting Threshold 1.1 m/s (2.4 mph)
Distance Constant 2.7 m (8.9 ft) 63% recovery
  • ac voltage (three pulses per revolution)
  • 90 Hz (1800 rpm) = 8.8 m/s (19.7 mph)

Wind Direction

Mechanical Range 0 to 360°
Electrical Range 355° (5° open)
Accuracy ±3°
Starting Threshold 1.1 m/s (2.4 mph) at 10° displacement
Damping Ratio 0.3
Damped Natural Wavelength 7.4 m (24.3 ft)
Undamped Natural Wavelength 7.2 m (23.6 ft)
  • Analog dc voltage from potentiometer
    Resistance 10 kohm
  • Linearity 0.25%
  • Life expectancy is 50 million revolutions.
Power Switched excitation voltage supplied by data logger

Casos de estudio

Israel: Marine Meteorology on the Red Sea
The meteorological stations at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences at Eilat (IUI) in more

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